
Elder Law

Elder law is by far one of the most rewarding areas of law in which to practice. Elder law is specifically designed to address the care for the elderly whether it involves estate planning, health care planning, or financial planning. Alzheimer’s disease is the most...

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Pour-Over Will

Most people think of a “Last Will & Testament” when they think of a will. However there are other options available when a trust is involved. A Last Will & Testament allows the individual to establish beneficiaries (those who will receive the assets or...

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March Newsletter!

Spring is almost here! There have been some exciting additions to our website including our brand new newsletter! The newsletter can be found on our website under the Resources page. The newsletter will be posted every month to keep our clients informed on the events...

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7 Threats Workshop in Canal Winchester!

On Tuesday March 24, 2015, Donald Law Office will present a FREE informational workshop. This workshop will be presented by Attorneys MAJ(R) Matthew W. Donald, JD/LLM and Nicole M. Hawks, JD. At this workshop, you will learn about the 7 threats to your family security...

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Guidance for VA Benefits

There have been some questions as to why an individual should seek help from an attorney such as one with the Donald Law Office rather the Veteran’s Administration for VA benefits. Both the Donald Law Office and the Veteran’s Administration offer free services to...

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Specific Bequests

A specific bequest is used when the grantor of the trust wants to put aside an asset for a specific person(s). A specific bequest can range from tangible items such as jewelry, art work, or a rare collection of baseball cards, to personal property such as pets. Even...

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Funding a Trust

Before a funding meeting can occur to complete a trust there has to be what is referred to as a "signing meeting". A signing meeting involves signing all the estate documents that have been prepared. We make sure that the client has their personal wishes fulfilled by...

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Business Hours

Office Hours:
Monday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

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Our Workshops

We are pleased to offer a variety of educational workshops to the general public. Check out our workshop calendar and reserve your space today.

719 West Market Street,
Baltimore, Ohio 43105

(740) 400-4194

Fax: 740-400-4195


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