Be sure to check out Mr. Donald speaking at the OSBA Veterans Presentation this Friday the 27th, 2015! The presentation will be conducted at the Ohio State Bar Association in Columbus, Ohio. The presentation will be a brief overview of Military and Veterans Law including updates on USERRA and the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act as well issues regarding veteran’s benefits. The presentation will describe the most common legal issues that veterans and military families face such as estate planning, family law, and issues that can arise between landlords and tenants. It will be a great educational course which will cover a variety of topics for those seeking answers to VA related questions.
Business Hours
Office Hours:
Monday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm