
The Living Will

A State Standard Living Will is a legal document that allows you to opt-out of life-sustaining treatment, including artificially supplied nutrition and hydration, if you are unable to make informed medical decisions and are in a permanently unconscious state. This...

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Property Transfer

There are a few steps involved when transferring property. For example the grantor must identify an individual whom they want to transfer the property to or they made decide to transfer the property into a trust. There are a few key elements involved when deciding...

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The 7 Threats to Your Family Security

When I first started at the Donald Law Office I was asked to watch a video called The 7 Threats to Your Family Security. The video presentation was prepared by David Zumpano an attorney in New Hartford, New York in 2009. The video provides great advice, instruction,...

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Parties to a Trust

  There is so much talk about how great trusts are but they can be confusing. For example, who all is involved with the trust? Well there are several different parties involved in a trust: the grantor, trustee, beneficiaries, and final beneficiaries. The grantor...

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Probate vs. Trust

Probate as I have previously stated is a court process to prove whether an individual’s will is valid. Probate is an expensive and time consuming process. It can take as long as two years to be settled in court! A great way to avoid probate is by creating a trust. A...

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Tis the Season

The staff of Donald Law Office would like to take this time to thank all of our clients and business professionals for their time, patience, and relationship to our office. We want to express our gratitude and sincere thanks to those we've had the pleasure of meeting...

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December 5, 2014 Special Events

Last Friday culminated a wonderful week for our office. The morning of December 5, 2014 the staff of Donald Law Office welcomed its newest attorney Nicole M. Bishop! Ms. Bishop’s swearing in ceremony was conducted by Judge Vandervoort at the Fairfield County...

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Welcome, Attorney Nicole M. Bishop!

Donald Law Office is proud to welcome its newest member Nicole M. Bishop! Ms. Bishop is originally from Boise, Idaho but obtained her undergraduate degree and law school education in Ohio. Ms. Bishop graduated from Capital Law School in Columbus, Ohio on May 25, 2014....

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Review of November 19 Workshop

The November 19 workshop was very detailed. Barry Zimmer talked about detailed estate planning. He explained how you can protect what you give to your loved ones from lawsuits, creditors, divorce, and bad decisions. For example, if you leave money to your child and...

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Power of Attorney

You may ask yourself what is a power of attorney? Why would I want to have a power of attorney? Here at Donald Law Office we focus on two main types of power of attorney's 1.) Durable Power of Attorney A durable power attorney is someone who is allowed to make...

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Business Hours

Office Hours:
Monday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

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We are pleased to offer a variety of educational workshops to the general public. Check out our workshop calendar and reserve your space today.

719 West Market Street,
Baltimore, Ohio 43105

(740) 400-4194

Fax: 740-400-4195


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