Memorandum of Trust vs. Certification of Trust

What is a Memorandum of Trust? A Memorandum of Trust is a synopsis of a trust that is used when transferring real property into a trust. It’s then recorded in county in which the property is owned. The Memorandum of Trust is used in place of the actual trust to...

Specific Bequests

A specific bequest is used when the grantor of the trust wants to put aside an asset for a specific person(s). A specific bequest can range from tangible items such as jewelry, art work, or a rare collection of baseball cards, to personal property such as pets. Even...

The Benefits of a Health Care Power of Attorney

It’s 2:45 a.m. you’re a 56 year old, who wakes up from chest pain. Luckily your spouse is there with you to call 911 and take you to the hospital. Once there you’re surrounded by doctors and nurses and are being hooked up to various machines. The doctor informs your...

Funding a Trust

Before a funding meeting can occur to complete a trust there has to be what is referred to as a “signing meeting”. A signing meeting involves signing all the estate documents that have been prepared. We make sure that the client has their personal wishes...

The Living Will

A State Standard Living Will is a legal document that allows you to opt-out of life-sustaining treatment, including artificially supplied nutrition and hydration, if you are unable to make informed medical decisions and are in a permanently unconscious state. This...