Areas of Practice

estate planning

Estate Planning

Get the peace of mind of knowing that your assets will be distributed according to your precise wishes.

family trusts

Family Trusts

Our attorneys can consult with you regarding the advantages of establishing a family trust covering how your assets will be handled while living and after your passing. Call us for a personalized consultation today!

medicaid planning

Medicaid Planning

With proper planning, almost anyone can receive assistance through Medicaid. The same planning that can help an individual become eligible to receive Medicaid can also provide for the individual when Medicaid fails to cover a needed supply or service. Our attorneys are here to discuss issues with you such as At Home Care, Independent Living Facility Care, Assisted Living Facility Care, and Skilled Nursing Facility Care.

veterans' benefits

Veterans’ Benefits

As a veteran, you are not only entitled to our gratitude, but also, in many cases, specific benefits. Our attorneys are here to fully explain the VA Pension Benefit Program and make sure you receive that to which you are entitled.

special needs planning

Special Needs Planning

If you have a parent, child or sibling who requires special attention, you know that fulfilling those needs can be costly and time consuming. We’re here to answer the tough questions and address your concerns through detailed Special Needs Planning.

probate law


At Donald Law Office, our goal is to help you avoid the probate process if at all possible through proper structuring of your estate plan. However, in cases where you must open a probate estate, we are here to help. Call us for a personalized consultation today!

Business Hours

Office Hours:
Monday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

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Our Workshops

We are pleased to offer a variety of educational workshops to the general public. Check out our workshop calendar and reserve your space today.

719 West Market Street,
Baltimore, Ohio 43105

(740) 400-4194

Fax: 740-400-4195


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