
Thank You for Attending Our Open House!

All of us at Donald Law Office would like to thank all of those who attended our first Open House! We hope everyone had a wonderful time. It was great to see old friends and to make new friends. We were able to send out some prizes to some of the attendees through a...

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Open House Party!

Please join us for our Open House party on June 12, 2015 at Donald Law Office! There will be FREE food, FREE prizes, and FREE ice cream from Schaffner’s! We will also be offering FREE Advance Directives for those who attend! We currently have two different times...

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Paralegal Certificate

Since last October I’ve been working towards my goal of earning my Paralegal Certificate from The Center for Legal Studies program offered through Ohio University. I successfully completed the program in just six months! I look forward to the additional...

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Helpful Tips for the Probate Process

The probate process is proving whether a will is valid or not. If a person dies without a will the distribution of the estate is decided upon by state law. If the will is proven valid an executor is appointed by the Probate Judge (usually the person nominated in the...

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Estate Planning Workshop in Logan!

On Thursday, April 30 2015, Donald Law Office will present a FREE informational workshop. This workshop will be presented by Attorney Nicole M. Hawks, JD. At this workshop, you will learn about the 7 threats to your family security and how you can avoid them! You will...

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The Value of Proper Estate Planning

Most people have the impression that estate planning isn’t a necessity. However young or old a person is, how much wealth they may or may not have, it does not change the importance of proper estate planning. Estate planning is made up of many different options that...

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Come Check out a FREE Workshop tonight!

Tonight, April 7, 2015, Matthew W. Donald will be presenting a workshop at Donald Law Office. There is still time to register for this workshop! It is absolutely FREE and all you have to do to register is call or email us at (740)-400-4194 or

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7 Threats Workshop at Donald Law Office!

On Tuesday April, 2015, Donald Law Office will present a FREE informational workshop. This workshop will be presented by Attorney MAJ(R) Matthew W. Donald, JD/LLM. At this workshop, you will learn about the 7 threats to your family security and how you can avoid them!...

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Business Hours

Office Hours:
Monday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

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Get the latest on legal topics that affect you and your family, office happenings, staff spotlights, workshop updates, and more in our free monthly newsletter.

Our Workshops

We are pleased to offer a variety of educational workshops to the general public. Check out our workshop calendar and reserve your space today.

719 West Market Street,
Baltimore, Ohio 43105

(740) 400-4194

Fax: 740-400-4195


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